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Historical Holidays in Europe

Europe is world-renowned as one of the primary centers of culture and history. Many of the most famous events that ever happened took place in the heart of the continent, and a well-planned itinerary can take you to see where many of these events actually happened.


Italy is a gorgeous, mountainous peninsula surrounded on three sides by the balmy Mediterranean Sea. It possesses one of the most delightful climates in the world and the natives are famously cultured and relaxed. When you take historical holidays around Italy you will be overawed and amazed, again and again, by the rich history of the place. Italy, now a member of the Euro community and proud trader in Euros, was once the seat of the Roman Empire and the ruler of all Europe. Now they are content to live in peace with their fellow nations, enjoying the good life and all the fruits that their culture has to offer.


Switzerland, perched high in the Alps, has been a watchword for security and stable growth for centuries. They trade in the Swiss Franc, and the Swiss banks are legendary for their discretion and reliability. Skiing and outdoor sports are especially popular among their snowy mountains and stunning valleys.


For most of the world, European history begins in England. From Sherwood Forest to Windsor Castle, we know English history almost as well as we know our own. The English economy is robust and thriving; with the English pound sterling maintaining a steady relationship to the dollar. This makes planning your historic holidays all the easier.

Spain, France, and the Western Eurozone

The western edge of the Eurozone, so known because all member nations use the euro as their universal currency, contains some of the most romantic historical holidays that can be found on earth. From the sunny skies of Spain to the magnificent rolling hills of France, there is something for everybody in Western Europe. Big cities like Barcelona and Paris thrill millions who seek culture and excitement, and the cuisine and wine are famous for good reason.


Denmark, a thriving little country just north of Germany, has one of the strongest and most robust economies in the world. Supported by their personal currency, the kroner, Denmark is the model of the modern Scandinavian techno-state. Historical holidays to Denmark are particularly delightful, as one can see Copenhagen, the city that inspired classic stories like The Little Mermaid, and, or even visit the castle of the prince who inspired Shakespeare's Hamlet.

If you’re planning on taking a historical holiday in Europe, you can be sure of getting a great Euro rate with ACE-FX. We offer fantastic savings on travel money, by post or collection.

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